Thursday, May 13, 2010
Today it was the annual community trip to The Rundkoll Tower. This was an old fire warning tower built in 1939. The trip is said to take approximately 1.5h. We used a bit more than one hour up and that is including 20 stops for the socalled nature trail which is posts along the route with questions. This makes it so much fun especially for the younger ones.This is the start of the route.
There were many dogs doing the trip too today.
On our way up we met some who had already been there. This 88 year old gentleman has done this yearly trip every year and my friend and I decided we woudl be happy to be as fit as he when we became 66 years old. He and elderly people like him are such an inspiration. My friend is a journalist so he will probably also be in the newspaper in a week. 
Along some parts of the track the path was followed by a brock. With the brock tingling and the birds singing we had enjoyment for all the senses.
The kids especially loved trying to find the answers to the quesitons on each post. They run the last 1o meters as soon as they saw a new one.As we came higher we could start to enjoy the wonderful view.
The colours were nearly autumnlike in their variation.
And then we arrived at the tower. I must admit I only walked up the first floor before returning down. The structure is not very stable for those with less than a perfect balance.
As you can see, I enjoyed the view very much.
Labels: exercise, forest, hiking, mountains, nature, nature photos, Top Ten, Trine Meyer Vogsland, walking
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