Sunday, February 10, 2008

A dear friend as well as others has urged me to take a break from my cold colours and paint a bit in warmer tones. Yesterday since my son lay ill with pneumonia on the coach I used acrylics to avoid any fumes and decided to honor that promise.

Here is
Warm Sunset
acrylics on canvas panel
$100 p&p FREE


Cecelia said...

Hope that your son is well, soon. My grandson used to have pneumonia every year, at Christmas, starting about the week before. He had a pneumonia shot two years ago, then he had bronchitis instead of pneumonia, as did I, and even the dog that year! That next spring break, he had his tonsils out. This year, at age 11, was the first year that he hasn't been sick for Christmas. However, a couple of weeks ago, he brought home flu from school, and then we all had it! At least it wasn't that terrible pneumonia!
Have you ever tried painting with walnut oil? And, perhaps, using the Max 2 oils that mix with water. I'm going to try that. One lady told me that she uses the walnut oil to paint with while she is riding in the car. I saw Buck Paulson on tv using it, and it sounded like something that would be natural and safe. I haven't tried it, yet, so I can't tell you if it has odor or not.
When my grandson was born, I moved all my art things out to a studio in the back yard. His mother didn't want the fumes around him. But, now, I've moved back into my bedroom with my art and writing things. The studio had no bathroom, and it was too far to come back in the house!
I've been using mostly watercolors and pencil lately, but have the canvases and oils ready to go at my workspace.
Again, I hope that the pneumonia will be gone soon. Kids tend to bounce back quicker, but it can sure be a worry to parents.

Trine said...

I very much hope that both our sons will have a healthier year after this bout of illness.