Thursday, February 28, 2013
28.2.2013 Sometimes Love makes you Feel on Top of the World - Watercolor on paper 21x30cm
0 comments Posted by Trine at 7:36 pmNothing makes us feel better than when someone we love or respect shows us care or love. Love defines us, lifts us, gives our lives meaning. Equally important is that we are allowed to love others as friends, collegues, students, pets, lovers or family. The giving and receiving of love can give us a high that nothing else can - without it we are nothing.
28.2.2013 Sometimes Love makes you Feel on Top of the World - Watercolor on paper 21x30cm $100 Free SH
Labels: 21x30cm, A4, abstract, bird, emotion, expressionistic, feeling, heart, love, Norwegian artist, original, pink bird, reds, sometimes love is, Trine Meyer Vogsland, valentine's day, watercolor, whimsical
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
27.2.2013 Sometimes Love is Reading Aloud to Youngsters - Watercolor on paper 21x30cm
0 comments Posted by Trine at 8:44 pm
I det siste har jeg hatt gleden av å bli lest høyt for i
"En pingles dagbok" flere ganger i uka. Det er noe så koselig og
avslappende å sammen med noen leve seg
inn i nye verdener at vi alle burde gjøre det mer enten det er de unge som
leser for de eldre eller omvendt.
Labels: 21x30cm, A4, abstract, book, emotion, expressionistic, family, feeling, heart, love, mum, Norwegian artist, pink bird, reading, sometimes love is, Trine Meyer Vogsland, whimsical
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
26.2.2013 Technique of writing, ink on pastel paper, ca 31x41cm
0 comments Posted by Trine at 8:20 pm26.2.2013 Technique of writing,
ink on pastel paper,
ca 31x41cm framed,
for sale
A few years ago I painted quite a bit in the Chinese brush painting technique and looked at calligraphy, then for some reason I started testing out other techniques. Yesterday I brought out the materials and played around a bit. Today's painting is a calligraphy work.
The characters are pen (top)+law which together makes "technique of writing". The mount and frame are part of my complete composit...ion.
China is so much tradition and also so much a modern coming country. Art and literature also has the two components tradition and modernity, the old and the new. I have tried to use both aspects in this work in topic, style and materials.
Tradition, order or the law, the rules if you like say that the characters are horizontal or vertical, mine are diagonal. Normally they are of fairly equal size, Mine are of different size, and I’ll get back to why. But even with these changes there is some feeling of order in it, some system to it.
This is a Westerner’s painting and the characters are probably quite naively painted in the eyes of an oriental calligraphist. That is OK, because naïve is my style in painting also when doing western style works.
Normally the paper is white shuen (rice) paper which behaves very differently from western paper. I have used a paper normally used for pastel work. The ink, and ink brush is Chinese, but a modern kind. I do have the proper ink sticks and grinding stones to do it the traditional way but this time I used a modern version which is a brush pen with an ink cartridge system.
The mount is a simple one but with the tiny sophistication of the black inner lining that enhances the black in the characters. The frame a very simple unpainted wooden one.
As an artist, a reader, an art lover and most of all a teacher I mean and say that the most important thing is that some kind of content or message gets a reaction from a receiver. Of course as a teacher I think spelling and grammar is important, rules and techniques are, but only as an addition – not alone. A technically perfect painting or story which does not engage my thoughts or emotions has nothing no matter how perfect the lines are drawn or the spelling is. No law is good unless it serves the people. That is why the last character is slightly smaller in my painting.
Watching the painting the pen character looks back at me, the top 6 strokes turning into eyes. This aspect that even if taking away the real meaning of the characters it is an image – of something, intrigues me. The human mind is so focused on seeing faces that we so easily do that.
I am myself very happy about how it turned out: The combination of old and new, of simple and complicated, of the two characters having individual meanings but also a new one when together as well as being an abstract image, of it all working well together.
I hope you liked it too and enjoyed more detailed background information this time.
Labels: calligraphy, Norwegian artist, pen, Trine Meyer Vogsland, writing
Monday, February 25, 2013
25.2.2013 Sometimes Love is a Tweet - Watercolor on paper 21x30cm
0 comments Posted by Trine at 9:29 pmThese days we can feel spring is starting its work - the sun is shining, some snow is melting and some of the birds has started wooing each other in the morning.
Labels: 21x30cm, A4, abstract, birds, cartoonish, expressionistic, folk art, heart, love, original, pink, pink bird, sometimes love is, Trine Meyer Vogsland, tweet, valentine's day, watercolor, watercolour, whimsical
Sunday, February 24, 2013
In our modern rich society we have the possibility to decide when we want children and many wait a long time (unlike me), also many chose to have only one or two or as in China are limited to one. This long wait and modern technology means that children are more planned and longed for (or struggled for) than only 50 years ago. This means that we see differences in how people are parents today compared to before.
24 years ago on the dot today, I gave birth to my second child on the 24th of February and of course we all adored him instantly.
On the 24th of December here in Norway we celebrate another boychild's birth. Just this birth and historical comments on this birth story is something I read about just a few days ago in Jonas Gardell's book "Om Jesus" (about Jesus).
Today's painting is connected to all these thoughts.
24.2.2013 The Adoration - watercolor on paper 32x41cm $120 Free SH
Labels: 32x41cm, abstract, birth, daily painter, expressionistic, folk art, Jesus, love, naivistic, Norwegian artist, parents, religious, Trine Meyer Vogsland, watercolor
Saturday, February 23, 2013
23.2.2013 Sometimes Love is a Cat Bringing a Mouse - Watercolor on paper 21x30cm
0 comments Posted by Trine at 5:46 pmLabels: 21x30cm, A4, cat, emotion, expressionistic, feeling, heart, love, original, pink, pink bird, sometimes love is, Trine Meyer Vogsland, watercolor, watercolour, whimsical
Friday, February 22, 2013
22.2.2013 Sometimes Love is Kept Behind Barbed Wire - Watercolor on paper 21x30cm
0 comments Posted by Trine at 12:43 pm
22.2.2013 Sometimes Love is Kept Behind Barbed Wire - Watercolor on paper 21x30cm $100 to go to Amnesty International. Free SH
Labels: 21x30cm, A4, abstract, amnesty, barbed wire, cartoonish, emotion, expressionistic, feeling, folk art, heart, love, original, pink bird, political, reds, sometimes love is, Trine Meyer Vogsland, watercolor, whimsical
Thursday, February 21, 2013
21.2.2013 Sometimes Love is Sleeping Together - Watercolor on paper 21x30cm
0 comments Posted by Trine at 11:02 pmI have been sleeping a lot the last two dags cathing up on the sleep and rest that was disturbed due to pain earlier this week. No matter whether you have a spouse or a pet that crawl near you at night - there is comfort in it.
21.2.2013 Sometimes Love is Sleeping Together - Watercolor on paper 21x30cm $100 Free SH
Labels: 21x30cm, A4, abstract, emotion, expressionistic, feeling, folk art, heart, love, original, pink, pink bird, sometimes love is, Trine Meyer Vogsland, valentine's day, watercolor, whimsical
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
20.2.2013 Sometimes Love is Warm - Watercolor on paper 21x30cm
0 comments Posted by Trine at 8:12 pmMy wonderful daughter and her boyfriend has come home from Malaga today. Here home in Norway the sun has been shining on a cold clear winter day where many have been either skiing or enjoying life on a chair facing the sun. Today I celebrate loving the warmt and brightness of the sun
20.2.2013 Sometimes Love is Warm - Watercolor on paper 21x30cm $100 Free SH
Labels: 21x30cm, A4, abstract, cartoonish, expressionistic, folk art, heart, love, Norwegian artist, original, pink bird, sun, Trine Meyer Vogsland, warm, watercolor, whimsical
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
Yesterday and today has been tough days. Lots of pain and discomfort in my left hip. Some days like this the biggest challenge is staying brave, continuing to believe in progress, in the future, in life. It was my hope to capture some of all those feelings abstractly today. To me it signals strength and a will to pick oneself up and move forward. To me there is some dedication to keep fighting.
19.2.2013 Life's Bravery - watercolor on paper 30x40cm $120 unmounted Free SH
Monday, February 18, 2013
Today I have both needed a friend and got support, and been needed and given support. What would we do without the love of friends?
18.2.2013 Sometimes Love is Meeting your Friend - Watercolor on paper 21x30cm $100 Free SH
Sunday, February 17, 2013
17.2013 Sometimes Love is Better in Books - Watercolor on paper 21x30cm
0 comments Posted by Trine at 7:01 pmMost of us who read sometimes dream about the love described in the classics or other stories where the men are romantic heroes and all the women beatiful and where there is real drama more that quarrels about who are to take of the grabage and who are to do the dishes.
17.2013 Sometimes Love is Better in Books - Watercolor on paper 21x30cm $100 Free SH
Labels: 21x30cm, A4, abstract, book, emotion, expressionistic, feeling, heart, love, Norwegian artist, original, pink, pink bird, sometimes love is, Trine Meyer Vogsland, valentine's day, watercolor, whimsical
Saturday, February 16, 2013
16.2.2013 Sometimes Love is Close - Watercolor on paper 21x30cm
0 comments Posted by Trine at 7:21 pmToo Often we look far away to find happiness and love, when most of the time it is just within our reach.
16.2.2013 Sometimes Love is Close - Watercolor on paper 21x30cm $100 Free SH
Inspired by a very much loved song from the 50s.
Link til et opptak av "De nære ting" fra 1951
"De Nære Ting"! Teksten er opprinnelig ett dikt av Arne Paasche Aasen og det er originalinnspillingen fra 1951 vi hører. Melodien har de skrevet selv!
Ditt sinn monne flyve så vide omkring, det er som du glemmer de nære ting, det er som du aldri en time har fred, du lengter bestandig et annet sted. Du syns dine dager er usle og grå, hva er det du søker, hva venter du på? Når aldri du unner deg rast eller ro, kan ingen ting vokse og intet gro. Gå inn i din stue, hvor liten den er, så rommer den noe ditt hjerte har kjær. På ropet i skogen skal ingen få svar, finn veien tilbake til det du har. Den lykken du søker bak blående fjell, kan hende du alltid har eiet den selv. Du skal ikke jage i hvileløs ring, men lær deg å elske de nære ting. |
Here is the text:
Your mind may fly around so wide, it's like you forget the close things, it's like you never have peace one hour, You yearn always somewhere else. You think your days are miserable and gray, What are you looking for, what are you waiting for? When you never treat yourself to rest or peace, nothing can grow and nothing heal. Go into your living room, small though it may be, even so it contains anything your heart holds dear. From the cry in the woods, no one will be answered, find your way back to what you have. The happiness you seek behind the blue mountains, You may have always owned yourself. You should not chase in a the restless ring, but learn to love the close things. |
Labels: 21x30cm, A4, de nære ting, emotion, expressionistic, feeling, folk art, heart, love, monochrome, Norwegian artist, original, pink, pink bird, Trine Meyer Vogsland, valentine's day, watercolor, whimsical
Friday, February 15, 2013
15.2.2013 Sometimes Love and Air is not Enough - Watercolor on paper 21x30cm
0 comments Posted by Trine at 8:37 pmThere is a saying that you can not live on love and air alone. Love is wonderful, but getting by and being able to cover basic needs has to take presedense many a day especially if you have children. Then sometimes love is a luxury.
15.2.2013 Sometimes Love and Air is not Enough - Watercolor on paper 21x30cm $100 Free SH
Labels: 21x30cm, A4, abstract, emotion, expressionistic, feeling, heart, love, Norwegian artist, pink, pink bird, reds, sometimes love is, Trine Meyer Vogsland, valentine's day, whimsical
Thursday, February 14, 2013
14.2.2013 Sometimes Love is Just Behind You - Watercolor on paper 21x30cm
1 comments Posted by Trine at 8:06 pmAnd for those of us who can not post a big bouqet of flowers received today on our facebook, today's message is that our big love can be just behind us waiting to catch up with us LOL.
14.2.2013 Sometimes Love is Just Behind You - Watercolor on paper 21x30cm $100 Free shipping
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
13.2.2013 Sometimes Love is Lonely- Watercolor on paper 21x30cm
0 comments Posted by Trine at 7:28 pmAs Valentine's Day is getting closer I think there are many who feel intensly lonely while seeing all the love fuss everywhere, either because they are in a relationship that does not work or are single at the moment.
Nå som vi er i innspurt...en til Valentine's Day er det nok mange som ekstra kjenner det at de ikke har en kjæreste eller som er i et forhold som ikke fungerer, så i dag fokuserer jeg på at kjærlighet også kan være ensom.
13.2.2013 Sometimes Love is Lonely - Watercolor on paper 21x30cm $100 FRee shipping worldwide
Labels: 21x30cm, A4, animal, emotion, expressionistic, feeling, heart, love, monochrome, pink, pink bird, reds, sometimes love is, Trine Meyer Vogsland, valentine's day
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
Who does not remember the first tentative movements of being in love for the first times when we shyly tried to get closer to the chosen one.
12.2.2013 Sometimes Love is Shy - Watercolor on paper 21x30cm $100 Free SH
Labels: 21x30cm, A4, abstract, emotion, expressionistic, feeling, folk art, heart, love, original, pink, pink bird, red, sometimes love is, Trine Meyer Vogsland, valentine's day, watercolor, whimsical
Monday, February 11, 2013
11.2.2013 Sometimes Love is Cuddly - Watercolor on paper 21x30cm for sale
0 comments Posted by Trine at 8:11 pmNow in the last weeks of winter when we all long for spring the very best thing is to cuddle; persons, pets, pillows - just cuddle.
11.2.2013 Sometimes Love is Cuddly - Watercolor on paper 21x30cm $100 Free SH
Labels: 21x30cm, A4, abstract, birds, emotion, expressionistic, feeling, folk art, heart, hug, love, monochrome, pink, pink bird, reds, Trine Meyer Vogsland, valentine's day, whimsical
Sunday, February 10, 2013
In Norway today the 10th of February is Mother's Day.
Labels: 21x30cm, A4, abstract, birds, expressionistic, folk art, monochrome, mothers, mum, pink, pink bird, reds, Trine Meyer Vogsland, watercolor, whimsical
Saturday, February 09, 2013
9.2.2013 Sometimes Love is Seeing things from New Angles - Watercolor on paper 20x20cm
1 comments Posted by Trine at 6:58 pmIn all relationships there are challenges and different views whether it is due to diferent ages as in relationships between parents and children (Mother's Day here in Norway tomorrow) or between sexes as in most marriages or just differences in background, political or religious standpoints. I find it very interesting when I, as I did today, read essays which makes me see things from new angles. That is today's theme for the painting.
Labels: 21x30cm, A4, abstract, bird, emotion, expressionistic, fear, feeling, love, monochrome, original, pink, pink bird, reds, Trine Meyer Vogsland, valentine's day, watercolor, whimsical
Friday, February 08, 2013
8.2.2013 Sometimes Love is Facing The Abyss - Watercolor on paper 21x30cm
2 comments Posted by Trine at 9:09 pmLove can be very scary especially when you fear or face loosing the loved one.
8.2.2013 Sometimes Love is Facing The Abyss - Watercolor on paper 21x30cm $100 Free shipping worldwide
Labels: 21x30cm, A4, abstract, bird, emotion, expressionistic, fear, feeling, love, monochrome, original, pink, pink bird, reds, Trine Meyer Vogsland, valentine's day, watercolor, whimsical
Thursday, February 07, 2013
7.2.2013 Sometimes Love is a Playground - Watercolor on paper 21x30cm
0 comments Posted by Trine at 9:18 pmLove can be playful and love can be fun, for adults as well as kids.
7.2.2013 Sometimes Love is a Playground - Watercolor on paper 21x30cm $100 Free shipping worldwide
Labels: 21x30cm, A4, abstract, animals, birds, daily painter, emotion, expressionistic, feeling, folk art, love, monochrome, Norwegian artist, pink, pink bird, play, reds, Trine Meyer Vogsland, valentine's day, whimsical
Wednesday, February 06, 2013
6.2.2013 Sometimes Love is a Slippery Slope - Watercolor on paper 21x30cm
0 comments Posted by Trine at 8:32 pmLove is not always easy and many of us remember "The rules" and how easy it was to fail. These days there probably are new rules but they are there for sure.
Labels: 21x30cm, A4, abstract, cartoonish, emotion, expressionistic, feeling, folk art, love, monochrome, Norwegian artist, original, pink, pink bird, reds, Trine Meyer Vogsland, valentine's day, watercolor, whimsical
Tuesday, February 05, 2013
5.2.2013 Sometimes Love is Comfortable - Watercolor on paper 21x30cm
0 comments Posted by Trine at 8:57 pmIn my previous posts I have focused of some of the tougher aspects of love so today I thought it was time for comfy love. May you all have a lovely day.
5.2.2013 Sometimes Love is Comfortable- Watercolor on paper 21x30cm $100 Free shipping worldwide
Labels: 21x30cm, A4, abstract, daily painter, emotion, expressionistic, feeling, heart, love, monochrome, Norwegian artist, original, pink, pink bird, reds, Trine Meyer Vogsland, valentine's day, watercolor, whimsical
Monday, February 04, 2013
4.2.2013 Sometimes Love is Holding On - Watercolor on paper 21x30cm
0 comments Posted by Trine at 9:22 pmSometimes love is something we just have to quietly and non-dramatically have to hold on to while we wait for the more electrified moments to arive again.
4.2.2013 Sometimes Love is Holding On - Watercolor on paper 21x30cm $100 Free shipping worldwide
Labels: 21x30cm, A4, abstract, cartoonish, expressionistic, folk art, love, monochrome, Norwegian artist, original, pink, pink bird, reds, Trine Meyer Vogsland, valentine's day, watercolor, whimsical
Sunday, February 03, 2013
3.2.2013 Sometimes Love is a Heavy Load to Carry - Watercolor on paper 21x30cm
1 comments Posted by Trine at 9:20 pmContinuing on my theme of love having many different aspects.
3.2.2013 Sometimes Love is a Heavy Load to Carry - Watercolor on paper 21x30cm
$100 Free shipping worldwide
Saturday, February 02, 2013
2.2.2013 Sometimes Love is a bit Uphill - Watercolor on paper 21x30cm
0 comments Posted by Trine at 9:00 pmYesterday, many Norwegians and Swedes watched the talk show Skavlan feeling embarrased. An old lady who used to be a fairly famous writer about raising children was on because her daughter had written a book last year telling the world what a lousy childhood she had had. This mum talked about er hurt. Today in the media many have commented about how this turned out to be too personal and was unsuitable for this show and should belong more in the private sphere. It all made me think about how love in families is not always easy either for the children or the parents and that became the theme for a couple of paintings
$100 Free shipping worldwide
Friday, February 01, 2013
Update on my old cat that had to see the vet last Thursday. After spending most of last weekend and this week sleeping on the duvet of my bed he is now fairly back to being himself again. A few days more on the antibiotics and hopefully he will be fully restituted.
Labels: 21x30cm, A4, abstract, animal, blue, blue cat, cat, Norwegian artist, original, pus, sleep, Trine Meyer Vogsland, watercolor, whimsical