Saturday, March 30, 2013
Friday, March 29, 2013
Sometimes we just have to defent ourself and say stop to people that are misusing us.
29.3.2013 No Way - acrylics on paper A4 $50 Free SH
Labels: 21x30cm, A4, abstract, blue, expressionistic, Norwegian artist, Trine Meyer Vogsland
Thursday, March 28, 2013
Labels: 32x41cm, abstract, acrylics, emotion, expressionistic, feeling, Norwegian artist, Trine Meyer Vogsland
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
Labels: abstract, blue, happiness, Trine Meyer Vogsland
Friday, March 22, 2013
22.3.2013 Sometimes Love is Flying High - Watercolor on paper 21x30cm
0 comments Posted by Trine at 11:35 pmLabels: birds, emotion, expressionistic, feeling, folk art, heart, monochrome, original, pink bird, reds, sometimes love is, Trine Meyer Vogsland, watercolor, whimsical
Thursday, March 21, 2013
21.3.2013 Sometimes Love is Forbidden - Watercolor on paper 21x30cm
0 comments Posted by Trine at 11:03 pmMay love in most variations win.
21.3.2013 Sometimes Love is Forbidden - Watercolor on paper 21x30cm $100 Free SH
Labels: 21x30cm, A4, abstract, expressionistic, folk art, heart, LGBT, love, naivistic, pink bird, sometimes love is, Trine Meyer Vogsland, wedding, whimsical
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
20.3.2013 Sometimes Love is Coming Home - Watercolor on paper 21x30cm
0 comments Posted by Trine at 9:39 pmHigh up in the nest of love the baby chick wait for mum to come home.
20.3.2013 Sometimes Love is Coming Home - Watercolor on paper 21x30cm $100 Free SH
Labels: 21x30cm, A4, abstract, chick, emotion, expressionistic, family, feeling, heart, home, love, monochrome, Norwegian artist, pink, pink bird, sometimes love is, Trine Meyer Vogsland, whimsical
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
19.3.2013 Sometimes Love is Found Online - Watercolor on paper 21x30cm
0 comments Posted by Trine at 10:27 pmIn these modern times so many things have moved from the physical world and online - meeting someone too has for quite a few.
19.3.2013 Sometimes Love is Found Online - Watercolor on paper 21x30cm $100 Free SH
Labels: 21x30cm, A4, abstract, computer, folk art, heart, love, monochrome, Norwegian artist, pink, pink bird, sometimes love is, Trine Meyer Vogsland, valentine's day, whimsical
Monday, March 18, 2013
18.3.2013 Sometimes Love is Surfing the Waves of Emotion - Watercolor on paper 21x30cm
0 comments Posted by Trine at 10:28 pmLove is such a wonderful word because it can be used in so many ways and in connetion with so many things in addition to romantic love.
Today I am surfing the lovely happy waves created by my love of learning as I have joined a class and started studying something new and very interesting (se below for details). My feeling are in some ways fairly close to being in love even though it is not to a person.
Course info: Dan Ariely is a The New York Times bestseller, a Duke University professor and his TED talk has been watched over 2 million times. His highly anticipated "Irrational Behavior" Coursera course starts soon:
Labels: A4, abstract, Duke, education, heart, love, monochrome, Norwegian artist, pink, pink bird, studies, surfing, Trine Meyer Vogsland, whimsical
Sunday, March 17, 2013
17.3.2013 Sometimes Love Divides - Watercolor on paper 21x30cm
0 comments Posted by Trine at 10:55 pmLabels: 21x30cm, A4, abstract, birds, emotion, expressionistic, feeling, folk art, heart, love, monochrome, Norwegian artist, original, pink, pink bird, sometimes love is, Trine Meyer Vogsland, watercolor, whimsical
Saturday, March 16, 2013
16.3.2013 Sometimes Love is a Bit of a Drag - Watercolor on paper 21x30cm
0 comments Posted by Trine at 7:47 pmConflicts and quarrells with close ones are the worst kind, those persons are the ones most capable of hurting us with their words and actions and they are the ones that most of all reduce us to the most childish behaviours. They are the ones we keep repeating old patterns with so that we nearly know all the scenes and lines by heart but still play them through even if we now we will not win this time either. And yet we know that life has to go on and the connetion too. Tomorrow and next week or month or year we will still be in the same relationship - still dearly love each other. In short, love means that we carry along some history with good parts as well as burdens.
Labels: 21x30cm, A4, abstract, bird, emotion, expressionistic, feeling, folk art, heart, love, monochrome, pink, pink bird, sometimes love is, Trine Meyer Vogsland, valentine's day, whimsical
Friday, March 15, 2013
15.3.2013 Sometimes Love is a Light Load When Carried Together - Watercolor on paper 21x30cm
0 comments Posted by Trine at 7:45 pm
It is said
that it takes a whole village to raise a child and also it is cynically said
that a mother can support ten children but ten children cannot support a mother.
The common thread in these sayings is that love and care is best done as a
thing done together both to complement each other but also to share
responsibilities and sometimes the burdens that loving someone may also bring.
Labels: 21x30cm, A4, abstract, birds, expressionistic, folk art, heart, love, monochrome, original, pink, pink bird, sometimes love is, Trine Meyer Vogsland, valentine's day, watercolor, whimsical
Thursday, March 14, 2013
14.3.2013 Sometimes Love is Upside Down - Watercolor on paper 21x30cm
1 comments Posted by Trine at 7:05 pmLabels: 21x30cm, A4, abstract, bird, emotion, expressionistic, feeling, folk art, heart, love, monochrome, Norwegian artist, pink, pink bird, sometimes love is, Trine Meyer Vogsland, whimsical
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
13.3.2013 Sometimes Love Takes you Higher Up - Watercolor on paper 21x30cm
0 comments Posted by Trine at 9:51 pm
About a
week ago I met a former student of mine at the grocery store. He was there with
his baby and girlfriend and I was so happy to get to know that he was happy,
had a family and a job. Today I met another former student who has had a small
break due to not getting into the study he wanted this autumn. He had now
started in a job while applying for a study place the coming autumn. That too
warmed a former teacher’s heart because of course we worry when we hear bad
news in connection with students that over 3 years time naturally each carved a
special place in our hearts.
Labels: 21x30cm, A4, abstract, emotion, expressionistic, feeling, folk art, heart, love, monochrome, pink, pink bird, sometimes love is, Trine Meyer Vogsland, whimsical
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
12.3.2013 Sometimes Love Means Coming Out - Watercolor on paper 21x30cm
0 comments Posted by Trine at 8:18 pmIn
connection with a March 8th concert Kim Friele one of the most important
fighters here in Norway for Gay rights especially in the early years, held a
speach. As a teacher I am so happy to know that life has become so much easier
for the young persons finding out that they belong to a minority in when it
comes to whom they fall in love with. This one is for you.
Labels: 21x30cm, A4, abstract, emotion, expressionistic, feeling, gay rights, heart, lesbian, love, monochrome, pink, pink bird, sometimes love is, Trine Meyer Vogsland, watercolor, whimsical
Monday, March 11, 2013
11.3.2013 Sometimes Love is a Puzzle - Watercolor on paper 21x30cm
0 comments Posted by Trine at 11:03 pmWhat makes us love a person either as a friend, a partner or a mamber of our group is incredibly complicated, fortunately, and that means that most of us are able to find people to love and be loved by. How it works is sometimes a mystery - a wonderful mystery.
Another wonderful thing is that we seem to have an unlimeted supply of love which is good for us teachers that keep getting new students and in a short time we dearly love a new group of 30 individuals.
11.3.2013 Sometimes Love is a Puzzle - Watercolor on paper 21x30cm $100 Free SH
Labels: 21x30cm, A4, abstract, emotion, expressionistic, feeling, heart, monochrome, pink, pink bird, puzzle, sometimes love is, Trine Meyer Vogsland, whimsical
Sunday, March 10, 2013
Love can bring us the biggest happiness but also be what crushes us. Loving someone who is loving you back is wonderful but that same love has an equal power to hurt us if that person disappoints us, hurt us or worst of all leaves us. But even though love also brings some sadness, we do need to keep loving each other as lovers, friends and family. Hugs from me.
10.3.2013 Sometimes Love is Sad - Watercolor on paper 21x30cm $100 Free SH
Labels: 21x30cm, A4, abstact, emotion, expressionistic, feeling, heart, love, monochrome, Norwegian artist, original, pink, pink bird, sometimes love is, Trine Meyer Vogsland, watercolor, whimsical
Saturday, March 09, 2013
9.3.2013 Sometimes Love is a Glass of Red Wine - Watercolor on paper 21x30cm
0 comments Posted by Trine at 8:28 pmLoving yourself is also important on a Saturday when you share a Saturday with your cats and a good book :-).
9.3.2013 Sometimes Love is a Glass of Red Wine - Watercolor on paper 21x30cm $100 Free SH
Labels: 21x30cm, A4, abstract, bird, emotion, expressionistic, feeling, folk art, heart, love, Norwegian artist, original, pink, pink bird, sometimes love is, Trine Meyer Vogsland, watercolor, whimsical, wine
Friday, March 08, 2013
8.3.2013 Sometimes Love is Doing It Together - Watercolor on paper 21x30cm
0 comments Posted by Trine at 8:38 pm8.3.2013 Sometimes Love is Doing It Together - Watercolor on paper 21x30cm $100 Free SH
Thursday, March 07, 2013
7.2.2013 Sometimes Love is Light and Plentiful - Watercolor on paper 21x30cm
0 comments Posted by Trine at 8:37 pmThe best thing about being a teacher is all the young persons we get to meet and love.
7.2.2013 Sometimes Love is Light and Plentiful - Watercolor on paper 21x30cm $40 Free SH
Labels: 21x30cm, A4, abstract, balloons, expressionistic, folk art, heart, love, Norwegian artist, pink, pink bird, sometimes love is, Trine Meyer Vogsland, whimsical
Wednesday, March 06, 2013
6.3.2013 Sometimes Love Makes you Feel High Up - Watercolor on paper 21x30cm
0 comments Posted by Trine at 8:59 pmToday after having had the parent teacher conferences where the love and care we all feel for the young persons is the common denominator for everything in the talks, I feel quite high. Such wonderful teenagers and such wonderful parents.
6.3.2013 Sometimes Love Makes you Feel High Up - Watercolor on paper 21x30cm $100 Free SH
Labels: 21x30cm, A4, abstract, bird, emotion, expressionistic, feeling, heart, love, monochrome, original, pink bird, reds, sometimes love is, watercolor
Tuesday, March 05, 2013
5.3.2013 Sometimes Love is Not Letting Go - watercolor on paper 21x30cm
0 comments Posted by Trine at 10:56 pmLabels: 21x30cm, A4, abstract, emotion, expressionistic, feeling, heart, love, monochrome, Norwegian artist, pink bird, reds, sometimes love is, Trine Meyer Vogsland
Monday, March 04, 2013
Nå begynner våren å få... tak. Et par hannfugler synger som gale om morgenen og vårrengjøringen av reir har begynt. Det vet jeg fordi katten har dratt inn den første fugleloppa.
Labels: 21x30cm, A4, abstract, birds, cartoon, emotion, expressionistic, feeling, folk art, love, Norwegian artist, pink, pink bird, sometimes love is, tree, Trine Meyer Vogsland, valentine's day, whimsical
Sunday, March 03, 2013
2.3.2013 Bright Light in Winter Landscape - watercolor on paper 24x32cm SOLD
1 comments Posted by Trine at 6:05 pm2.3.2013 Bright Light in Winter Landscape - watercolor on paper 24x32cm SOLD
This one sold within the hour of posting it on facebook last night.
Labels: 24x32cm, blue, landscape, Norway, Norwegian artist, original, seascape, sky, snow, trees, Trine Meyer Vogsland, watercolor, winter
Saturday, March 02, 2013
3.2013 Sometimes Love is a Social Thing - Watercolor on paper 21x30cm
0 comments Posted by Trine at 2:58 pmI am working as a teacher for 12-16 year olds and now that spring is coming there is a lot of love starting to grow. At that age love is not only a very personal thing but a social thing, especially in some girl groups who discuss every aspect of the relationships starting or ending or possibly becoming. What he said and she said and did and how to make him see her etc not to mention if two girls wants the same boy or one steals one... Lots of thoughts and emotions and time being put into it.
Friday, March 01, 2013
Yesterday after looking at some photos from my journey up North last year I simply had to do a landscape.
1.3.2013 Dreams of the North I - Watercolor on paper 24x32cm $100 Free SH
Labels: 24x32cm, blue, landscape, mountains, Nordland, North, Norway, Norwegian artist, original, seascape, Trine Meyer Vogsland, watercolor