Saturday, February 16, 2008

I wonder what you will make of this dream landscape. Is this figure a mother to be, a child to be or what is going on? Why do this person dream this? I'd love to hear your interpretations in the comments.

Dream of Motherhood,
acrylics on canvas panel
p&p worldwide is FREE


blh said...

I like this painting very much because it can be interpreted in multiple ways. The figure first appeared to me to be a warmly wrapped pregnant woman, with her snugly wrapped blanket symbolic of the way that her body is keeping her unborn child warm and protected. Then she again appeared to me to be a pregnant woman, but this time she has wrapped herself in a blanket and she is lying down and sleeping for a bit because she is so tired because of her pregnancy. Then the figure changed to that of a swaddled, sleeping baby, put down for a few minutes by his or her mother for some unknown reason. Then it occurred to me that the figure could be an abandoned baby, which brought up the question of why was the child abandoned, who abandoned it, and was it abandoned in a safe place or was it abandoned so that it would die, like I have heard has been done with female babies in other countries. I quickly dismissed this last interpretation because the figure is too cozy looking and the scene looks too colorful and happy. So, I was back to my other interpretations and I think that I like my first interpretation the best.

Trine said...

This is exactly how I want my work to be seen. I do not want to give fixed interpretations but cause emotions and thoughts to emerge within the viwers instead.

Also since this painting is titled "dream" it would be too easy to have one simple explanation. I guess it all depends on who is dreaming. This could be the dream of a lady who had miscarried 4 times before which would make the dream mean something very different from the interpretations if I had this dream. Then it would probably be mroe a dream of granchildren. LOL

Lori McNamara said...

I see this as a girl baby who is traveling in the river of life. The whole thing feels like motion, flowing along. The color gives me the feeling of woman child if it were blue I would feel it to be male.

Trine said...

I love that phrase " river of Life"
I definately need to use that one if youw ill allow me.