Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Monday, March 26, 2007
Labels: ACEO, artist trading cards, ATC, Trine Meyer Vogsland
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
So only able to handle the pain these days. Will be beck posting as soon as able.
Sunday, March 18, 2007
3ACEOs Fighting the Bars of Shame SOLD, Abstract Geography and Biology Awakening
1 comments Posted by Trine at 11:49 pmI struggle lately and do not seem to be able to handle a big canvas this weekend. Instead I paint more emotions abstract in few colours using Aceo size 2.5x3.5in watercolour paper and watercolours. This journey of mine painting or drawing every day is also a journey into and with myself into the future.
Fighting the Bars of Shame
One of the things I have been thinking of lately is how women, my age and older especially, tend to be filled with shame, not the old sexually related shame but the one more connected with "eat up, think about the starving children in Africa"-kind. Concretely we overeat , we are good girls and finish our plates, but more importantly we get unsure about what feelings we should allow ourself to have.
As we were told to ignore feelings of fullness foodwise because of the need of starving children, we also ignore our own feelings when we are on mum-duty; when the whole family is down in flu, who is taking care of everyone? "Was the holidays/Cristmas/ the trip successful? ""Oh yes, hubby was happy and kids were happy and behaved reasonably. Sure, a wonderful holiday /Christmas etc etc. " We're happy when our people are happy. Or at least that is what we tell ourself and if not - Shame.
Add then the fact that many women in that age group get health problems like fibromyalgia, low thyroid, fatigue syndrom, burn out syndroms, menopause or depression. Problem is that all these diagnoses has depression-like symptoms too. What do women do? All of these health issues also carry some kind of Shame. "Get a grip, pull yourself together, don't be so lazy, think about how fortunate you are, think about those that has worse problems". That doctors has called many of these problems "just nerves" for ages adds to the problem. It is kind of more status to have the historical male middle age problems; heart and ruined backs after heavy manual work. These days the double working women has these too.
These kind of philosophical thought and discussions inspired this watercolour: "Fighting the Bars of Shame" It could equally be the poor African Mum having got HIV/AIDS from her cheating husband knowing that their kids would soon be without help. That too and similar situations is known to women. I did not want the face to be weak in shame but hurt and angry fighting it.
I do wish I was a better artist so that I could really explore emotional and philosophical issues like this and one day I am sure I will be able to to that in a manner that satisfies me. Untill then I will have to fight and break down the internalized "good girls do paint inside the lines"- socialization I have grown up with. I am amazed on how tough that is to break down. That is one reason I do not paint very tidy detailed works - I do not want to wake that monster. My dream and goals are quite other styles of drawing and paintings.
Well, the journey has only just begun - keep following me and who knows where it will all end.
"Abstract Geography".
Saturday, March 17, 2007
ACEOs Brown Mountains, Seascape and Three Flowers. In Watercolours
0 comments Posted by Trine at 11:41 pm
ACEO ATC 07-03-26 Brown Mountains
ACEO ATC 07-03-25 Seascape
ACEO ATC 07-03-24 Three Flowers
I've been thinking a bit over the last few days. I have not reached a final opinion yet but I feel that I am getting somewhere. On one hand I sometimes feel that my simple compositions are substandard to more complicated ones but on the other hand what I often fall for in other oartit's art is very simple lines and compositions so maybe my style IS the simple shapes and compositions? On the other hand my goal is a more advanced simple compositions and style. Keep following me and you will see me develope my style further. For now I just continue to force myself to post both the works that I am very happy about and the ones I think are lousy. Then you the viewer will have to make up your mind on each and every work. The strange thing is in fact that often the works people flal for is the ones that I nearly binned. For that reason I do not completely dare to believe myself and my opinion of my own works. I always put them aside at least and then look at them again some time later.
ACEO in Violet: Dancer, Bishop'c Cross, Smile and Flower in Blue Vase
1 comments Posted by Trine at 12:25 amLately, I have Struggled with feelings of not being able to produce anything worth while. Part of it is totally non rasjonal because I did sell 4 works this last week. The other pat is very rasjonal because I do have so much more to learn and mys kills still has and wil for a long time have serious flaws.
Yesterday at school we had bishop's visitation. It was14 years since the last time so all the students could ask questions for on hour and then the teachers had coffee and cake with him and his adminiastasion. I was a bit disappointed because he was as round and unclear in his words as a politician.
Friday, March 16, 2007
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
I thought this one which I painted acouple of weeks ago would be suited now since we have just celebrated the International Women's Day (8th )
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
The Twelve Apostles
Acrylics on canvas box 40x40x1cm
pained on the sides and ready to hang
$200 p&p worldwide included
Labels: beach, ocean, original acrylic painting, shore
Sunday, March 11, 2007
Friday, March 09, 2007
No 4 in my Northern Landscape Series - Road Ahead
acrylics on artist canvas panel 18x24cm
$100 p&p worldwide included
Please contact me by email if you wonder about something, or maybe you'd like to visit my ebaystore
Thursday, March 08, 2007
Today has been a very mixed day. I had back problems so I stayed home from work. The good part is that I finally got really started on filling up my ebay-store and I hope I will have put most of my work up by the end of this week.
I wanted to paint a bright warm painting today since we have had so many greay days here lately. Fortunately the sun came out for a bit today and gave me the inspiration. Parts of this painting's composition is from a photo taken by my brother. Anyway I ended up giving it an extra layer of warm colour and was happy about the result.
Autumn Field
acrylics on artist canvas panel 18x24cm
$100 p&p worldwide included
Labels: autumn, field, grass, landscape, original acrylic painting, sky, straws, trees, Trine Meyer Vogsland
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
Today I thought I would show you one of my earlier work which is one of my daughters favourites.
Labels: blue, fantasy, original oil painting, slouds, universe. semiabstract
I have been working mostly in miniature lately so I guess it is time I try to work myself up to the normal sized canvases again hehe. This acrylic is 18x24cm
Landscape in Bodø
Acrylics on artist canvas panel 18x24cm
$100 all p&p worldwide
It has been a while since I tried to draw or paint figures so I found out I would try a bit today. Not perfect but not way too bad either. It is also painted by using coffee as the medium.Olympics in the Old days. Please visit my ebaystore if you want to bid on this item.
Labels: ACEO, artist trading cards, ATC, coffee, figure study, man, miniature art, nude, sketch, Trine Meyer Vogsland
Monday, March 05, 2007
Landscape, Sphere, sylinder, Digital man and Abstract
I could not resist playing further with colours found in the kitchen. I ended up loving the colours from beetroot and red cabbage. Diet coke did not work, neither did the berry lemonade I had.
Labels: ACEO, ATC, miniature art, original painting, Trine Meyer Vogsland
Sunday, March 04, 2007
ACEOs in coffee: Weasel (SOLD usa), Rabbit, Frog and Straws on Beach
0 comments Posted by Trine at 2:16 amAs you can see, I have played with using coffee as the medium. painted on watercolours paper: Weasel, Rabbit, Frog and Straws on beach.
These are dedicated my mamma, who loves coffee.
Friday, March 02, 2007
Yesterday was a strange day. It was the first time in about two months where I did not post. It did not feel right not to, but I told myself that the world would not go under. I do not think skipping will be a habit. It did not feel right. So what did I do yesterday night. I planned my holiday is April. Then my mum and I will be going to England where we will attend wet on wet classes on florals. I do it mostly for the trip and plans to sketch a lot and buy tons of artist materials. I also look very much forward to meeting people I have only talked to online. It will be great to be in the same workshop painting. Afterwards we painters will have a dinner and a few of us has rented rooms at the same travel lodge. I think it will be great. So what i did last night was to spend hours deciding what plans to take, where to stay ( three different places) check on buses and availability by public transportation booking etc etc. I really hope it will be a wonderful mum and daughter trip.
Well, I guess you expecyt an artwork too. Here are a few ACEOs done in watercolours and one in pastels. Viol, Red Clover, Tree in pastel, Trees along path
Please visit my ebaystore if you'd like to bid on these items.
Labels: ACEO, ATC, floral, flower, orignal watercolour, trees, Trine Meyer Vogsland