Friday, January 08, 2010

Still horribly cold here

The horrible cold continues here in Norway. I have spent all time after work trying to get temperatures up in the house. Cold water pipes in bathroom too frozen today and car, well, let's just forget about it until it thaws.

Food: Did well today because I did not as much as smell the bakery goodies with cream that was in the teacher's lounge because a collegue had a Bday today. Did not well because in the end I stressed too much to eat something at all for lunch. Lunch will be a problem some days simply because I have inspection duty and then there is only 15 minutes left and some days that end up being used standing by the copier or setting up the projector and similar tasks. A great thing at work is that we have free fresh fruits every day due to the students getting free fruits and there are always leftovers :-).

Work out: No proper workouts but some flexibility exercises and I can feel some improvement so I am not too disappointed with my results this week.

Painting: None, too busy being cold

Writing: Two starts of columns