Thursday, January 15, 2009

Today I returned from a conference in Stavanger, Norway's oil capital. Unfortunately We did not have any time to see the city itself or thea rea around - all time was spent on lectures and in the hotel. That means of course that I will need to go back another time hehe.

The topic was reading because improving national scores on literacy is a major focus these days here in Norway. From references to American scientists I imagine it is equally a very much debated topic in the States as well - how do we get kids to read more and better? How do we healp those with dyslexia and similar problems. One important topic on one of the lectures was how we ocmmunicate so that is why I chose this painting to represent today. There is such an important difference between talking together with and talking to when we adults either as parents or teachers try to help our struggling young.

The Talking To,
acrylics on paper
p&p is FREE