Saturday, May 31, 2008
I wonder how on Earth I always end up
superbusy. Things should improve soon because the grades are now set for the 10th grade and all that is left is the oral exams for them. Of course I still have to grade the end of term papers for the 9th grade and decide the end of year grades for them but as always the graduating class is the main worry this time of year when your own class is graduating.
The weather here is great at the moment, only problem is all the mosquitos which are a problem thise last few days. Right now I am quite happy because I have managed to get a lot of the things on my to do list ticked off. Jippiii.
Happy In Paradise,
encaustic art
p&p is FREE
Friday, May 30, 2008
After all this pastels and pinks I wanted to show you something real colourful today. Life is hectic and I work far into the night these days. The worst part is that I have a bit of catching up to do with my friends and will try to get that done this weekend in addition to grading English end of term papers from the 9th grade.
Amazing Bloom in Paradise,
encaustic art
p&p is FREE
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
And here is another one in the Romance-series.
Romantic Pollen Spreading,
encaustic art
p&p worldwide is FREE
Sunday, May 25, 2008
I have had a lovely day today. My daughter (20) visited and she has got an appartment finally and yesterday my son (19) got the contract for his job/practical learning place for the next 2 years and it was a veru good contract. As every parent can relate to, life is often very good when the children's lives are sorted.
Paradise Bouquet,
encaustic art
p&p worldwide is FREE
This is the family's extra house which is used like most use a cabin. It is situated quite high up and my daughter and I went for a walk after going through the house and checking it. The basement did not look good. the mice had had a field day and LOL even the electric mice reppelant beep thing was eaten on. The basement tend to get to humid during spring and late winter and we use up tons of the dryball-stuff which drags moisture out of the room.
While tidying up in the basement, removing huge amounts of mouse droppings I also guided this one here out.
Lithobius forficatus - steinskolopender - Brown Centipede
As I came home and wanted to wash some clothes for my daughter who is moving this weekend and wanted everything freshly washed, I saw this little beetle and helped it get out of the house. before doing that I had to take some photos of course. I hope to add the species tomorrow.
It is now 3. a.m. and I have had a lovely night with two of my collegues, talking and drinking wine and eating cheese and biscuits while solving the problems of this world. :-) . This is how we might end up feeling tomorrow even though I think we showed a bit restraint.
Invation of the Alien Species,
encaustic art
p&p worldwide is FREE
Yesterday I took this lovely photo of a spider which hunted without a net on a dandelion. It is a Misumena vatia - kameleon krabbeedderkopp - goldenrod crab spider and it is quite an interesting species in a interesting group of spiders. Besides I found it lovely and I have been among those who run a mile if I saw a spider hehehe.
more about this spider
Friday, May 23, 2008
Thursday, May 22, 2008
I went to work today but had to go home halfway through due to the fever and the headache. I will stay home tomorrow I think and get real well before next week. This has been a very calm day where I have prioritized rest and plenty of liquids. I chose a nice topic today and found it soothing.
Today I got some new praying mantis. This is a Creobroter gemmatus - Indian Flower Mantis, L2/L3 I think, meaning it has molted once or twice. Much more shy than the other mantis I have. Very pretty.
Labels: insects, praying mantis, Trine Meyer Vogsland
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
One of my most used tracks has parts which is very soft to walk on which is very good for my joints, espeically my knees. In winter they make skiing tracks here. The first photo is taken at one of the highest points and today I had a lovely view at aorund 8 p.m. here.On the side of this track you can see the upper parts of a housing area called Seaman's town because originally lots of sailers settled here. As you can see the houses are very well integrated in the foresty invironment.
This third photo shows the path continuing through the forest.
And a bit further along that track.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Monday, May 19, 2008
Today the students that will have their English written Exam tomorrow had preparation day so I dragged myself up this morning to bake some cup cakes to lift the spirits LOL. it helped.
“The beginning of love is to let those we love be perfectly themselves, and not to twist them to fit our own image. Otherwise we love only the reflection of ourselves we find in them..”
Thomas Merton (American and Trappist Monk to Our Lady of Gethsemani Abbey in Trappist, Kentucky, 19155-19688)
“An attempt at visualizing the Fourth Dimension: Take a point, stretch it into a line, curl it into a circle, twist it into a sphere, and punch through the sphere..”
Albert Einstein (German born American Physicist who developed the special and general theories of relativity. Nobel Prize for Physics in 1921. 1879-1955)
“Blame it on a simple twist of fate.”
Bob Dylan (American folksinger, b.1941)
Anne Frank (German Jewish girl. Author of a diary of her family's two years in hiding during World War II, 1929-1945)
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Life has its ups and down that is for sure. Last night my spring cold broke through so the last 24 hours has been marked by a sore troat as well as a runny nose, headache etc etc. so I have taken care of myself today to give my body a chance to fight this. In a minute I will be making muffins/chocolate cup cakes for those of my students that will be at school tomorrow preparing for their English Exam on Tuesday.
Natural slides,
encaustic art
p&p worldwide is FREE
My baby ghost has grown and is so lovely. Problem is that she is so active if I take her out of the cage that it is difficult to get good photos of her. If she is not trying to climb my arm then she is swaying like a leaf in the wind blurring any photos. Here are a couple that show how lovely she is like a sculpture. Phylocrania Paradoxa - Ghost praying mantis- spøkelseskneler (2 photos below)
Unfortunately only 1 out of 10 nymphs survived transpostation due to bad packing. This single one is healthy and hunting and active and lovely. so here is photos of a Parasphendale agrionina - budwing praying mantis. (two photos below)
This is how big those mantids that has survied of the 150 that hatched 10 days ago is now. Tenodera aridifolia sinensis = Chinese praying mantis (below)
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Today is Norway's national day where we celebrate our constitution.
The main thing on this day are the children's parades. Here is a link with the historical background for this day. And a link to wikipedia's explanation of our celebration.
The last years a traditional costume called bunad has become more and more popular. They are heavily embroidered and there is quite an amount of silver involved. Terribly expensive if you do not do the embroidery yourself but most consider itw orth it because then you have one for ther est of your life.
This being a traditional day - I went for a romantic theme today.
Old Fashioned Romance,
encaustic art
Below are a couple of photos of two of the species of stick insect that I have. First Exatosoma tiaratum - McCleays Spectre sideview . Cool isn't it?
Eurycantha Calcarata
No less cool.
Friday, May 16, 2008
In a month the local art and crafts guild/union will have its spring exhibiiton. Since getting things framed is difficult close to this I have planned on starting a bit already now in finding out which works to display this year. This one will have a lovely red mount but I have not decided on the frame yet.
Encaustic for the exhibition no 1,
This is a stick insect of the species,
Eurycantha Calcarata Stick Insect and under is an empty skin because one of them molted today.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Brilliance, encaustic art 7x9cm + Drone Fly (Eristalis tenax)
0 comments Posted by Trine at 11:30 pmToday I went for a walk as usual as well as trying to capture whatever creature visited my flowers in the garden. Below is one of the visitors today. As I take macro photos I get to see this amazing world that we do not usually see simply because it is too small.
I have other news as well. My baby Ghost is not so babyish any more. Today it molted and came out of the old skin much larger and oh soooo beautiful. I have not managed to get a proper photo of it yet but hope to be able to get one tomorrow.Brilliance,
encaustic art
p&p worldwide is FREE
From Wikipedia:
Eristalis tenax is a European hoverfly, also known as the drone fly (or "dronefly"). It has been introduced into North America and is widely established there.
It looks somewhat like a drone honey bee, and likely gains some degree of protection from this resemblance to a stinging insect. The adults are called drone flies because of this resemblance. Like other hover flies, they are common visitors to flowers, especially in late summer and autumn, and can be significant pollinators.
This has eyes that are apart in the forehead so it is a female.