Saturday, November 21, 2009

Yellow Birdladies Queueing at the Sale,
watercolours on watercolour paper
p&p is FREE

This weekend one of the local churches has had its yearly Chritmas basaar where they serve and sell bakery, especially specially a traditional bakery called "lefse" which is a tortillasimilar dish baked on a special round plate called "takke". It can last for a very long time in a dry state which is how they stored them in the old days when refridgerators and such were not invented. When eaten it is softened and folded after having had butter suger and cinnamon put on. (or other things depending on where in the country you are from). They can be made by using different kinds of flour and also potatoes.

In the basaar they also sell some handicrafts and some books but most of all I think many comes for all the lottories, especially since the local bingo stopped. I bought some Christmas presents myself and also a couple of books. One of them has been my companion this weekend: All the way home by Ann Tatlock.

Three of my books were also on sale there but as with the rest of the handicrafts and books there, I am sad to say that most were packed up and carried home again. Prices in general were very close to material costs so I really do not know what traditional crafts can do to compete in the modern market. Me, I adore handmade things - the knowledge that it has come to life usually in a home by a person taking care putting it together with personal skills. I also love the fact that most of them are one of a kind things because small differences occur in crafts. Also for a couple of things like wollen stockings - the traditional knitted ones like the ones grans used to knit are the very best ones, way better quality than the store bought ones.