Wednesday, September 30, 2009

I am happy to tell you that my arm keeps getting better :-)

Coast up North III,
acrylics on canvas panel
p&p is FREE

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Better today too and very happy about it. I do not dare do much yet because avoiding getting back the worst pain and reducing the inflammation is my no 1 priority this week. I've got good meds now fortunately.

Running Away from the Pain,
acrylics on watercolour paper
p&p is FREE

Monday, September 28, 2009

Managed to go to work today even though I had believed I would have had to stay home due to my shoulder. Today has been a much better day and I have even been able to work a bit on my writing projects, although very carefully. My hearts is therefore warm and grateful

Big heart,
acrylics on watercolour paper ¨
p&p is FREE

Sunday, September 27, 2009

In Agony,
acrylics on watercolour paper

This painting was mounted and framed November 2010 when it was in an exhibition and as such difficult and expensive to post internationally. Dismantling is an option. Contact me for info.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Tried not do do something to trigger the pain today but ended up doing a bit work on the computer. I shouldn't have. Tomorrow I will again try to manage to do as little as possible. THAT er very evry difficult.

Can't Stand the Pain,
acrylics on watercolour paper
p&p is FREE

Friday, September 25, 2009

My arm and shoulder pains are really getting to me - I nearly had to have someone turn the key in the ignition in my car today to be able to come home from the library. I was glad the car windows were shut because the words and sounds coming out of my mouth were best contained. Any good vibes or prayers will be appreciated because it is so hard handling this pain nearly 24/7.

Ebb and Flow of Pain,
acrylics on watercolour paper
This painting was mounted and framed November 2010 when it was in an exhibition and as such difficult and expensive to post internationally. Dismantling is an option. Contact me for info

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Hearts in Storm, book illustration,
acrylics on watercolour paper
p&p is FREE

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

I was much better this morning in my arm so naturally I over did things and tonight I'm very much in pain even after a solid dose of painkillers. SIGH.

Today's painting is one that will be probably be used on the cover of a book - working title this far: Many hearts.

Many Hearts, Book cover,
acrylics on watercolour paper
This painting was mounted and framed November 2010 when it was in an exhibition and as such difficult and expensive to post internationally. Dismantling is an option. Contact me for info

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

I am happy to tell you about my visit to the doctor today. Two shots, painkiller and cortisone to kill the infection in my upper arm which turned for the worse during the night. Now I only need to follow up with physiotherapy and a visit to an osteopath as well as antiinflammatory meds. I feel more positive now, but I must admit a a couple of negative winterly thoughts today due to the arm and the car which is still not at the garage. Hopefully tomorrow will give me a solution to that challenge.

Winter Camuflage,
ink on watercolour paper
P&p is FREE

Monday, September 21, 2009

Feeling sorry for myself tonight. Shoulder more frozen and painful, and tomorrow I will also have to get my car dragged from the shops, where it did not want to start, to the garage. LOL I'll not say anything more so that I will not ruin your day too. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day.

The Beach VI,
acrylics on watercolour paper
p&p is FREE

Sunday, September 20, 2009

You Don't Say,
black and white ink drawing

If it doesn't get sold very soon I will use watercolours to colour it

Saturday, September 19, 2009

The Beach V,
acrylics on watercolour paper
p&p is FREE

Friday, September 18, 2009

Rocky Beach V,
acrylics on watercolour paper
p&p is FREE
Still we have lovely clear days with blue skies. fairly cold in the mornings though. This photo was taken yesterday

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Rocky Beach IV,
acrylics on watercolour paper
p&p is FREE

Today we had a sports day in a beautiful weather. A bit grey at the start but that was an advantage because it prevented it becoming too warm. Later the clouds broke up. The second photo is from the start of the relay. One team from the tenth graders won of course due to both longer legs but also due to them having quite a few very very good sportsmen and women. My class too have many who do sports so we managed to grab second place. Hurray for 9 B.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Rocky Beach III,
acrylics on watercolour paper
p&p is FREE

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Today was pretty tough after staying up too late watching the last exitements of the election, but outside a beutiful sunny day helped make this a very nice day nevertheless. I hope you can feel some of that enjoyment from my ink sketch today.

Sunny Day,
ink on thin watercolourpaper
$0 nfs

Monday, September 14, 2009

At the moment I am up watching the results of the Norwegian election. Very exiting, very close between the two main sides.

Twilight Beach II,
acrylics on canvas panel
p&p is FREE

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Twilight Beach I,
acrylics on canvas panel
p&p is FREE

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Rocky Beach II,
acrylics on coldpressed fine grain watercolour paper
p&p is FREE

Friday, September 11, 2009

These days I work and will continue to work hard on my book project: Working title: "On the mountain". I am very happy about the progress this far. Mountains as well as beaches and islands often have some similar characteristics for example the wide view, the bareness and most of all the closeness to the forces of nature. Although harder to breathe due to wind also the place where I really feel I can breathe.

Paintingwise I explore simplistic ways of capturing the feelings I get when walking along beaches or sitting on one.

Rocky Beach,
acrylics on coldpressed fine grain watercolour paper
p&p is FREE

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Coast Up North VII,
acrylics on canvas panel
p&p is FREE

Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Lovely weather today so I finally got to mow some the lawn. Very much overdue. More to follow tomorrow. Tonight I have had a great time remembering about my trip along the coast of Northern Norday this summer which resulted in this painting. I hope you like it.

Coast Up North VI,
acrylics on canvas panel
p&p is FREE

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

I've had an amazing day working like mad on my bok projects. All comes to those that wait. :-) So lovely to be in a efficient creative mood.

Patiently Waiting,
ink on thin watercolour paper
p&p is FREE

Monday, September 07, 2009

These days we have the winter ahead of us. Way too muc of the summer and now autumn have been wet this year - very wet - here up north in Europe. That misery is the inspiration of today's ink drawing.

Misery loves company,
ink on thin watercolour paper
p&p is FREE

Sunday, September 06, 2009

Very busy Sunday here. I've been studying for some drawings I plan to do, grading ESL papers, washing clothes, colouring my newly cut hair and working on my book projects.

Hopefully I will be drawing and painting and writing lots the coming week.

Today's painting is inspired by all my walks along beaches this summer

The Beach IV,
acrylics on acrylics paper
p&p is FREE

Saturday, September 05, 2009

Today I started playing with paste making my painting tactile, partly like a sculpture. I will continue working with this medium tomorrow. The rest of the day I have been working very efficiently on my bookproject Up North, which is coming along nicely.

3D first try,
acrylics and paste on canvas panel 18x24cm
p&p is FREE

Friday, September 04, 2009

Sometimes life is sunny due to being together with loved ones even though it rains cats and dogs. Had a lovely day together with daughter shopping today.

Giraffe cartoon sketch
ink and watercolour on paper,
p&p is FREE

Thursday, September 03, 2009

All my visits to art galleries this summer have given me so much more confidence in daring to believe in my own style and how I choose to interprete my impressions of life and nature. I hope you too like how I see and show you my love for the bare landscape of the North.

Coast up North I,
acrylics on canvas panel
p&p is FREE

Wednesday, September 02, 2009

The Sea and Sky,
acrylics acrylics on paper (cold pressed 200g, acrylics paper
p&p is FREE

Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Finally I am back to drawing, painting and sketching daily. I am very happy about that. I have also been able to work a bit on my book projects lately and I very much look forward to getting some first drafts ready for part of it.

The Beach III, acrylics on paper 24x32cm
Birdy with Crayons
ink and watercolours on paper