Tuesday, December 26, 2017

EAAA is started this Christmas.

For years I have dreamed about studying art and doing my art not as a hobby when I am worn out by my full time job as a teacher as well as taking care of house and garden +++.

Every time I have seriously looked into doing it, at least for a time, I have ended up concluding that I cannot afford it, that is I can afford the classes but not quitting my job.

Every time I have ended up thinking I would have to do learn by myself and just attend shorter weekend classes or similar.

This Christmas struggling with a Cold, I founded EAAA (metaphotically) just for fun and started making a curriculum, a budget and a study plan for a year's study. This way I hope to make it feel important and make me prioritize it.

This far EAAA's study plan for January is as follows:

- Read "The story of Art" by E.H.Gomblich + History-of-Visual-Technology and follow the lectures that uses them in GPH-205  at DePaul University, Chicago by professor Jim Janossy Sr. (loverly person)

SKULPTURKURS "INTRODUKSJONSKURS I SKULPTUR PORTRETT - 2 weekends  http://oslokunstakademi.no/kurs/skulpturkurs/helgekurs.html

I will keep you updated.