Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Just for fun I made a couple of sketches. I might colour them.

I am proud to tell you that I have made a book of my own with a combination of paintings and poems:

Jeg har bestilt opp en del selv fordi porto er nesten den samme for 10 som for en. Familien må selvsagt få sine skryteksemplarer.

Secondly, I am in a book together with the rest of the brilliantly talented members of the daily painters.

Look Inside

click on the red arrows to navigate

I have been interviewed by Bergens Tiende, a large regional newspaper. Click to view

Recently I have also been interviewed by Drangedalsposten and even made it to the frontpage hehehe

I have been a columnist for a year now and I am asked to continue.

I have worked hard lately to get the Christmas ball together as some of you know and here is what the local paper showed from it. The title says: The Christmas ball, one of the better ones

I have not taken one single puff of a sigarette in 2008 as I did not in 2007 either which is very good.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008


A cold day here today too. Car was frozen and did not want to start. Thick ic eon all windows outdoor as well as indoors. I am waiting for tomorrow to try again because the forecast predicts a bit milder temperatures

Today I managed to get finished the black and white version of my book on "man kan tenke på sa mangt i livets sensommer". I will post links as soon as all dobleschecking is done. It is lal in Norwegian.(=Jeg kommer til å poste linker her på bloggen så snart jeg har fått dobbeltsjekket alt.)

With Muff and Scarf Against the Cold Wind,
acrylics on paper
p&p is FREE

Managed to do the last finishing touches on my book project "Man kan tenke på så mangt i livets sensommer", and will print it out tomorrow as a three part book due to the sizes in binding available.

Also got my shed filled up with more firewood today which is good because the forecast speaks of cold weather coming in. The northern parts of Norway have severe storms and winds today, so I am sure my father and my step family has tied down everything loose.

Dressed for Winter,
acrylics on paper

p&p is FREE

Monday, December 29, 2008

Daughter just came home and we enjoyed watching mamma Mia together. Perfect girly night movie.

Bird - Taking a Rest in a Tree,
ink on paper

p&p is FREE

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Had the lovely experience today of not only sending away 3 of my works to Rhode Island but also fetching art works at the post office that I myself have bought.

Bird - Bringing letters,
ink on paper

p&p is FREE

Friday, December 26, 2008

Owl XXI - Being in the Wrong Place,
ink on paper
approx 13x17cm
P&p is FREE

Here in Norway Christmas day is usually a calm day and that is how my daughter and I have spent today. Lots of nice food and snacks and March of the Penguins and similar nice stuff on tv.

Happy in the Snow,
acrylics on paper

p&p is FREE

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Today Christmas Eve is the most important day here in Norway. It is today we open presents and have the major meal. I have had a wonderful time. Food and everything has been as tradition declares it to be here in our home. Only thing missing has been my son but he will come home tomorrow.

Twinkle Twinkle Little Star,
acrylics on paper
21x30 cm

p&p is FREE

Some days ago I painted this painting wondering what was left of the original Christmas and how much was only commercial and things. This year we, my daughter and I, prepared a somewhat less stressful Christmas. Less presents and less food and such. No special Christmas toilet paper and such. It is amazing how much many of us spends on these couple of days.

What is Christmas Really About,
acrylics on paper

P&p is free

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Beautiful clear day here tonight. I found this one suitable since we are in the time where we talk about those that followed the star to the stable.

I wish all viewers a as relaxing as possiblebuild up to the holidays. It is amazing what a bit of detergent in the corners can do together with lots of candles LOL.
I got some 100g quality paper today so bit by bit I will be ready to reprint my book projects more properly. I have also gathered quite a few names for professional printing services. As I reread it now I find small flaws that I will corrects but also I am starting to become quite satisfied too :-)))))))).
Bird - Gazing at the Stars,
ink on paper
p&p is FREE

Monday, December 22, 2008

Now the time has come for the big house clean and decorating. Then we will start the Christmas binge ;-) which will lead to this

Bird - No Fun on the Scale,
ink on paper

p&p is FREE

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Today has been a day of mainly cathing up on sleep and trying to get my body and mind to accept that the insanely hectic period is over. It always takes me a day or two to come down at the end of term.

I showed my book project as well as the dialypainter's book to Magnhild my artist friend today. Bit by bit I get braver and more confident in my work. That feels good.

The best news of all is that from last night on I have become a great aunt. My brother became a grandad to a lovely girl. Guess who will go nuts buying lovely pink clothes in the Janbuary sales hehehe?

Owl XV - Upside down,

ink on paper



Friday, December 19, 2008

The interview is now done. Had quite lovely 2 hours just now in fact. It was very interesting for me to be forced to try to put into words the hows and whys and whats of my journey.

I have just got the simple report binding done on my "prototype" version of my book project. I am very happy with how it is coming along. The next stage is considering more proper printing options as well as trying out better paper etc. Got some very nice encouragement from the journalist on it too. She thought that I ought to read some aloud on a culture evening while showing the painting on a projector. Not quite ready yet but it was a nice confidence boost.

Things are kind of strange just now. After about 6 weeks of running around, suddenly there is nothing on the must-do-now-list. Very strange indeed. :-)I will enjoy life tonight - get my shoulders down and by doing that hopefully get back to sleeping properly again tonight. LOL I think I tell my body too strongly to keep going in stressful times.

It is time to stop and smell the flowers again - at least metaphorically speaking. Maybe I will even visit the florist tomorrow.

Owl XXVI - Picking Flowers in the Sun,
ink on paper
p&p is FREE

I would love to rest on a summer flower meadow. What dream hehehehe

Owl XVIII - Dreaming among the flowers,

p&p is FREE

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Owl XIX - It is Raining Again,
ink on paper
p&p is FREE

Well, things are coming together. Tonight 150 seating are ready for the ball tomorrow. :-)

Owl XI - Time for School,


p&p is FREE

Monday, December 15, 2008

After having worked like mad all day on my book project, I can now begin to see the end of it. Very happy about that.

Owl XII - Blue,
watercolour and ink on paper

Saturday, December 13, 2008

I have had a great day today - Got house tidied and vacuumed, ordered almost everything for the Christmas ball, and have also been able to find time and motivation to sketch a lot. Perfect.

Owl XIII Maybe it will Rain,
ink and watercolour on paper

Friday, December 12, 2008

Fola fola Blakken,
acrylics on paper
p&p is FREE

Poem that will go with this image in my book:

Blakken i Motbakke

Uff den leie bakken
Fola fola Blakken
Sliter seg oppover
Det er tungt
å kjempe i motbakke

Engang var han ung
og bakker var som magneter
hindre hvor han kunne bevise
sin fyrighet

Nå for tiden
unngår han dem
hvis han kan
Hvis han må
tar han dem
et sakte steg om gangen

Fola, fola Blakken is a very well known Norwegian children's song written byNordahl Rolfsen. melody by Edvard Grieg and it is this one that inspired this painting's title.

melody :

Kveldssang for Blakken

Tekst: Nordahl Rolfsen
Melodi: Edvard Grieg
Fola fola Blakken
Nå er Blakken god og trett
Blakken skal bli god og mett
Å fola fola Blakken

Huff, den leie bakken
Og den lange stygge hei
Den var riktig dryg for deg
Du gamle gamle Blakken

Far han kastet frakken
Blakken kan ei kaste sin
Svetter i det gamle skinn
Den snille snille Blakken

Snart skal Blakken sove
Ikke mer slit i dag
Ikke mer sele-gnag
Og ikke mer tråve

Fola fola Blakken
Går du inn i stallen din
Kommer vesle gutten inn
Og klapper deg på nakken

Ser du gutten smile
Hører du det bud har har
Han skal hilse deg fra far
I morgen skal du hvile

Drøm om det du Blakken
Bare ete bare stå
Kanskje rundt på tunet gå
Med vesle gutt på nakken

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Happy today. Finally we begin to get things together for the Christmas Ball. We have rented another place and it will work so much better. Proper glasses and plates for the dinner instead of plastic and cardboard hehehehe. Planning the seating, heating, airconditioning, kiosk, polognese etc etc is a bit like a jigsaw but now most pieces are lines up. We still do not have a dj so that is a big issue at the moment. The rest is coming together nicely. The owner of the local grocery store which we use will sponsor the gifts for the king and queen and such competitions and that was such a nice gesture that it really made my day. new meeting with the student council first thing tomorrow.

Owl X Breakfast is Ready,
ink and watercolours on paper

p&p is FREE

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

It is so cold here today - about -15C and I find it hard to stay motivated these days - my bear genes kick in and I want to hibernate beneath the duvet. It is the final days of getting everything wrapped up for the end of term and it is so normal LOL if we did not all feel totally washed out then neither teachers or students have done their very best and given it our all. hehehe. Right now I am hoping for some motivation to come gliding through the air. This far tonight all I have got has been spam ;-). Sorry about the moaning. I am very positive about 2009 by the way - I only need the Xmas holidays first.

Poor daughter had her second exam today too. Only one more to go now this year.

Owl VI Feeling a Bit Lost,
ink on paper
approx 13x17cm

Owl III Waiting for the Beau,
ink on paper approx
p&p is FREE

Monday, December 08, 2008

After the insanely busy week I had last week with very little sleep, today has been a day of doing nothing much but sleep hehe.

Owl I A bit melancholic tonight,
ink on paper
approx 13x17cm
p&p is FREE

When I was young one toy was very popular. Here in Norway they were called rocking rings because you kind of twisted to get that ring swinging round and round your waist. The big things was to be able to do hold it up for as many twirls as possible or make it go up and down - all without letting it drop to the floor. I though it was a cool visual idea to have today's owl do that with her pearls. If anyone knows the English term for this toy I would love to hear it.

Owl VII Rocking,
ink on paper approx

p&p is FREE

As for the second day of the exhibition, we had a lovely time but most of our visitors deserted us this day too - probably due to a combination of V-cup skiing on tv + handball andit being very cold about 12 (=53F) to15 degrees Celcius below 0 and slippery roads.

Well well, I will get an inerview in the local paper and who knows what that might lead to.

Saturday, December 06, 2008

I have sold 3 works this far this weekend so I am happy. Also who knows what will happen tomorrow. Today we nearly had no visitors at all - literary speaking. We had managed to be open exactly when everyone were watching V-cup i skiing which of course is something major here in Norway.

Owl V - Considering a snack,
ink on paper ca

Weather was brilliant and nature shows up in its most winter beautiful.

First panel of my display.

Second panel of my work. This and the one next to it is where my 6 paintings in a series originally went but after seeing how close people were to the paintings we dicided to move they to the wall so that people would see them from a proper distance.

At the far end you can see the 6 works displayed

Exhibition is nearly rigged finished. I will post photos tomorrow.

Owl IV Wasnt Me,
ink on paper
ca 13x18cm

P&p is FREE

Friday, December 05, 2008

My poor daughter survived the exam today :-)

I have managed to get the things on my to do list done as well :-)

only problem LOL is that it is now 3 a.m. and there is lots going on tomorrow too hehehehe

So you can sort of say that I am a bit of a nightowl at the moment ;-)

Owl VIII Batowl,
ink on paper ca

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Had a very interesting time today on the course on how to teach reading strategies.

After that I have had to comfort my poor daughter through sms. Ex fac. exam tomorrow morning and a 24 hour bug today.

Had a wonderful time tonight working on my book. It is starting to come together very nicely.

Tomorrow will be a very busy day - work + testing of a possible dyslextic + meeting about Student Christmas ball.

Friday it is work + rigging of exhibition + collegues Christmas party + daughter coming home late

Saturday + Sunday = exhibition (will post photos)

Owl II - care for a cocktail,

ink on paper



p&p is FREE

Working like crazy here and :-) getting things done. Well started on gradeing ESL end of term papers, work on my book is progressing according to plan, house is fairly clean and with advent lights in vindows. Religions test for class is ready for tomorrows substitute teacher when I am away on a course on helping students improve their reading skills.

Today's posting is one I have decided to use in the front of my book as an invite to enter the book. I have not desided whether to colour it or not yet.
Owl IX - Welcome,
ink on acrylics paper

Monday, December 01, 2008

Life is good and I am well on my way working on my book layout today. LOL only problem is that days only have 24 hours.

My poor daughter spends her days studying for her ex fac exam and her nights working at a gas station. Hopefully she will find lots of nice people to study with in the coming year.

Studying Together,
acrylics on paper

p&p is FREE

Well it is soon Monday morning so I thought it was suitable to post this painting LOL

I have spent most of today getting ready for next weekend's exhibition. Nearly done now.

Scruffy in the Morning,
acrylics on paper
$45p&p is FREE